Lido-Life of Peder


Lido did it again. The Norwegian producer who has a keen ability to stretch genre categories and bring lovers of all genre types together, took Kanye West's Life of Pablo and took us out of this world only like Lido can. Lido remixed Kanye's entire album starting with Metro Boomin's produced song; "Father I Stretch my Hands and ending with Kelly Price's solo in Ultra Light Beam. I remember the first time I listened to Lido in 2014 (yes, I'm pretty behind) and then heard his production in Heaven Only Knows. I thought to myself how in the hell did he take me to church, make me want to twerk, all while on a spaceship.

He once again skillfully stretches and pulls sounds, taking us on a journey through Kanye's acclaimed album. Just like we missed the "Old Kanye", I was missing the "Old Lido", the Disclosure  "Latch" Lido. He's back! Take a listen for yourself and enjoy some of my favorite Lido mixes while you're at it. If you've been on the Lido bandwagon than you know this will be on repeat for some time. If this is your first introduction, lucky you, and welcome to Lido's world.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention...The remix is only 8 minutes and some change, unfortunately. I wish it was at least an hour. I know I'm not the only one hoping this means more production coming soon from Lido. I sure do hope so.


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