Self-Love Starts Today


As humans we like to plan...or at least we try. We plan vacations, we plan work schedules, and we plan workouts, but rarely do we plan a month of self-love.  Hence the beginning of the Self-Love Series for the month of February. Each day will be a short blog post that can come in the form of poetry, a video, or a written blog post from myself or a guest contributor. Each contributor that I have chosen all portray a level of self-love and self worth that I think others should know about. Before we begin, make sure you SHARE this with everyone for everyone deserves some love. :)

The Self-Love Series is all about sharing stories of what self-love and self-worth means and encouraging other women to do so for themselves. I always find myself saying self-love is the best love and it truly is. Without love stemming from yourself, it can not be given purely nor wholly and it can't be received.

February is a month of love to many people, but love expected from others. We can all remember wanting Valentines from our childhood crush or having "Netflix and Chill" with our favorite wine to dull emphasis on needing someone's love on Valentines Day.  While focusing on the love you receive is a beautiful thing, its something powerful in reflecting on the love you have for yourself or lack thereof.

So the Self-Love series is here for YOU to celebrate the love of yourself and to continue or begin the process of making yourself whole.

So here's the deets:

Everyday....EVERYday a blog post will be shared from the perspective of a wonderful woman who is all about self-love.

They will be released in the morning between 7-8 AM (my mom probably doesn't believe this)

They might make you cry.

They might make you smile.

They might make you angry or sad or depressed.

BUT at the end of the month, I pray you have found a phrase, a sentence, a post that speaks to your soul and makes you love yourself a little more.

Make sure to subscribe so you'll know when a new post was released. You don't want to miss out on the love journey.

Peace and Love,

Savvy Sunflower

self-love series